The frequency of house painting depends on various factors, including climate, paint quality, and surface conditions. Generally, exterior paint may last 5-10 years, while interior paint can endure 5-7 years. Regular inspections help determine the optimal repainting schedule.
When inspecting for repainting needs, focus on signs like peeling or cracking paint, fading, or visible stains. Check for moisture damage or mold growth, and assess the overall condition of surfaces. Regular inspections help identify when repainting is necessary for optimal aesthetics and protection.
The frequency of house painting depends on various factors, including climate, paint quality, and surface conditions. Generally, exterior paint may last 5-10 years, while interior paint can endure 5-7 years. Regular inspections help determine the optimal repainting schedule.
When inspecting for repainting needs, focus on signs like peeling or cracking paint, fading, or visible stains. Check for moisture damage or mold growth, and assess the overall condition of surfaces. Regular inspections help identify when repainting is necessary for optimal aesthetics and protection.